Urgent question

Question: Assalaam alaikoum, I have an urgent question why i think i made big error! There is nearly 2 years that i took online bayath with cheikh Mawlana. i started practice with naqshbanbi prayer book. Sincè that i was looking for finding sufis hère, and i found a naqshbandi tariquat following [private]  – i visites several times and before assisting practice a man gave me hand and said i have connexion now with their cheikh and told me for dhikr i have to learn their lineage names…. my question now is what doing? I broke bayath with our cheikh Mawlana? I had done big error?( i think its due problème of language,this group mostly speaks turkish and not much french… So they misunderstood perhaps that i spore of cheich nazim and that thanks of him i bécame muslim….). Please help i am very confused! thanks for answer, salaam alaikoum


Wa `alaykum salam,

Please view this post: Withdrawing Baya


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