Prayer Request: Marriage Blessing


Assalamu’alaykum ya Sayyidi,

I met a woman. She is a convert and interested in the Naqshbandi-Haqqani.

We intend to get married but there is a little problem. Her mother had selected a candidate to be her future husband without her knowing it. She doesn’t approve of her mother’s decision and prefers to marry me. She can accept me as I am, though I haven’t worked yet. Even so, she did not dare to deny her mother, fearing considered seditious. Her father has died. And I haven’t had a chance to meet her mother.

I need blessing and guidance from you oh Mawlana qs on things I should do to get her mother’s approval. Also please pray for us

Destur Madad ya Sayyidi
Our greatest gratitude to you.



Alaykum Salam,

Introduce yourself and let your parents make a formal offer together with a nice gift to her mother. She will only be happy to have two choices instead of one but needs to think. Hope for the best.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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