Prayer Request
Prayer Request: Struggling Sister
786 My sister is not a Muslim we just recently got on speaking terms,i was with her today and it brakes my heart how she is with her child shes not coping very well she shouts at him all the time and uses a lot of fiscal force on him, he screams.. Continue reading
pdf file of Dua Saifi
Please e-mail me pdf copy of Dua Saifi. Continue reading
Prayer Request: Istekhara
As Salam wale kum my name is [private]. I intend to marry a non Muslim boy who intends to revert to Islam inshahallah. May I please request you to perform istekhara on my behalf… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Tai al-Lisaan
Is it possible for Maulana Shaykh Hisham to pray for me to be blessed with Tai al-Lisaan, or is this something that is gifted by Allah to blessed people?… Continue reading
Prayer Request: A boy I love
I’m really in love with this boy named aakil since 6 months…. He ignores me and he doesn’t love me. He knows about my feelings though I have never spoken a word to him. He just avoids me… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Firm Iman
My Iman has been very weak and slippery lately. Please make dua for me and my family… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Istikhara for Marriage
I took bayat at on Friday after Jummah. When we met Maulana on Saturday I wanted to ask for their permission for marriage. We are happily engaged… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Help, urgent help needed
Can shaikh Namiz please pray for me. I am in big trouble. I have pain in my body and I keep getting possessed… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Istikhara Request, Marriage
Please let me know if my marriage, [private] with [private} is a successful decision… Continue reading