Dream: Grave yard of our prophet


assalamoalaykum respected sheikh hisham kabbani this thursday night after sehri time i saw a dream that i am standing in the front of a room and there is a barrier around this room some people are standing inside the room near to a graveyard and i am watching it from outside when i saw the grave yard there are other people also there and they tell me this is a graveyard of our prophet hazrat muhammad peace be upon him i just get astonished when i see the graveyard there is too much light in that area. please tell me if i saw in real roza e rasool and what does that mean.with lot of dua for my sheikhs may allah grant them long life and increase their knowledge.


Alaykum salam,
It is a true and blessed dream in sha Allah.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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