Dream: Seeing the Prophet Muhammad SWS


Asalaam Aleikum.

Many thanks for explaining the previous dreams I sent. May Allah bless all the staff of eshaykh.com!
A few months ago I had a dream. I was in an unknown place and we were reciting salawat on the Prophet SWS. Then a man came and I realised we were waiting for him. When the man arrived we were all happy and making even more salawat. Although I felt in my heart it was our beloved Prophet SWS, when I looked at him he SWS looked like a normal Muslim person and I knew that this was not how the Prophet SWS really looks like. Also he was almost trying to say he was no Prophet. He was expressing to me that he was only a human being.
Can you please explain to me what this means.


audhu billah mina ‘sh-shaytani ‘r-rajeem,

Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem,

wa `alaykum salam,

The Prophet (s) is the highest of all creation, yet is the most humble. Your salawat and love of the Prophet (s) brought you to see him. Mabrook!

قُلۡ إِنَّمَآ أَنَا۟ بَشَرٌ۬ مِّثۡلُكُمۡ يُوحَىٰٓ إِلَىَّ أَنَّمَآ إِلَـٰهُكُمۡ إِلَـٰهٌ۬ وَٲحِدٌ۬‌ۖ فَمَن كَانَ يَرۡجُواْ لِقَآءَ رَبِّهِۦ فَلۡيَعۡمَلۡ عَمَلاً۬ صَـٰلِحً۬ا وَلَا يُشۡرِكۡ بِعِبَادَةِ رَبِّهِۦۤ أَحَدَۢا

{Say: I am only a mortal like you. My Lord inspireth in me that your God is only One God. And whoever hopeth for the meeting with his Lord, let him do righteous work, and make none sharer of the worship due unto his Lord.} Surat al-Kahf 18:110

Dr. Karim Tourk

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