Visions before becoming a mureed


Assalam Alaikum,
Before becoming a mureed I saw these visions, if you can tell me what they mean:

1- Awaking from sleep, forehead warm and tingly, I came to consciousness behind my eyelids I saw orange sunlight with copper glitter swaying around. Lasted about 10 minutes I think.

2- Same situation after some days, I saw place of immense vastness of white/cream color, with mountains of crystal shine and golden glitter mixed in the air, about 10 minutes Beauty I cannot describe in words.

3- Same situation, I saw I awoke I saw space with white light, but there were immense streaks of green and pink light swaying around, about 10 minutes.


a`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem:

wa `alaykum salam,
These are different angelic vistas which were opened up for you. In the Naqshbandi Way these visions are not emphasized as they may distract you from your ultimate goal which is Allah’s divine pleasure.

Dr. Karim

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