Dream: Baby giraffe


Salaam to all at eshaykh. I had a dream that I found a baby giraffe sitting on the sidewalk in a hot day, so I picked it up to bring it inside and save it, since it was all alone. I told it I would take it to a sanctuary where they’d be able to care for it. It asked if I could send it to one in a certain city, because it had extended family near that city and they might want to visit him. I promised him I’d try. My focus was getting him inside to get some food and water on a hot day, and hugging him, because he was just a tired little baby animal. Jazakallah for your help interpreting any possible meaning to this dream.


Walaikumas salam Wa Rahmatullahi
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

It may mean several things. You may be receiving out of ordinary news coming from a foreign land, or hearing comforting news coming from a close friend or a child. On the other hand it may mean that you will try to help a woman who is keen to protect her married life or who stands behind her husband under all circumstances. It seems she will be in need of help from her family to resolve her issues but she needs you to be the spokes person.

Syed Shahzaman

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