Dream: Dogs & Sharp Teeth


1.look out window neighbours have bought 3-4 dogs black wild/fierce/ looking/sharp teeth looking toward our house I’m scared call my husband i tell my girls not to look them in the eyes.husband comes upstairs.when he arrives everything becomes different, spacious light. He doesn’t see what me +my daughters see. One of the dogs trying to get in through bedroom window.becomes like a harmless camel but i know its not in reality.
2.both my daughters sleeping on bed my youngest is one of the fierce black dogs described in above dream I’m surprised+scared i call upon shaykh couple of times nothing much happens then i call upon the prophet and suddenly the dog changes into my youngest daughter.my children were named by shaykh visited shaykh several times what is going on.please detailed reply.
There’s so much anger/scattered minds/disorder/fighting amongst me/my husband/my children in reality.my husband+me mureeds of many years.


wa `alaykum salam,

Being murid for years is proof of your patience and persistence. However your wild and angry nafs (black dogs) seek to tear up your pure soul (represented by your daughters).

Long enough to be “murid“. Now is time to tame your ego with Night Vigil (Tahajjud, Salat an-Najat, Salat ash-Shukr, Salat at-Tasbih) and reciting 100x Ya Halim, 500x Ya Samad before Fajr. By means of prayers much more can be accomplished than by discussion, debate and argumentation.

Taher Siddiqui

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