Family obstacles in marriage


A male I have known as a friend for quite some time asked for my hand in marriage to my uncle. My uncle was very happy with this male as he is a good person and my family feels he is right for me taking into consideration deen, Akhira, and knowledge a Muslim should have. I feel that I could learn and also become a better Muslim if with a person like that.

However, the boys parents are not agreeing and are stretching the matter, they are pointing faults out of some of my family mistakes and are not giving me a chance to even prove myself or even introduce myself. I see his parents as mine already and would never have the intention to go against his family’s will, although I am very upset thinking this rishta will not go ahead. What do you suggest, Sheikh?


`Alaykum Salam,
Do not be upset but trust in Allah Most High. He is testing you so keep thankful and accept whatever turns out.

No family is perfect but marriage brings blessings and rizq from Allah Most High. Send them a simple but thoughtful gift with a letter in which you state to them that “you see them as your parents already and would never have the intention to go against his family’s will.” Then leave it to Him and may He grant you success here and hereafter.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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