Spirituality & Mental Illness


Someone has disruptive mood swings. Their mood rise/falls based on their obedience. If they are staying consistent in their ibadah, they feel great and are kind to others.

When they sin, they become angry/irritable, mistreating others. It can also cause them to stop doing their awrad for days at a time, about once/twice a month. Sometimes (about twice a year) it will be severe enough to make them forgo salat, which they make up. The family is miserable, and deals with this person based on their state (up or down) instead of being able to just live life peaceably.

They believed their fervor for Allah/remorse over sin caused these swings, but is now considering this may not be a normal experience.

1. What remedy would you most recommend to someone with this type of imbalance?
2. Are antidepressants etc. something murids can utilize if someone feels they are needed?


a`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem:

The family must be patient with the person’s mood swings. You may seek the advice and treatment of a mental health professional to assist in stabilizing the situation.

Dr. Karim

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