Sunnah eating


asalamu alaykum sheikh hisham
I have a important question.
On how to eliminate the nafs inshAllah
And second iportant one, I live in and I eat alot of fast food from outside shops, and has become a habit, want to really eat the sunnah way of 1/3 food , air and water, but I cannot do every time, and I know if I stop inshAllah the spirituality will be brilliant.
Can you please do dua that I stop this habit and eat the sunnah way along with keeping the Monday and Thursday fasts

wa `alaykum salam,
You are MashaAllah already on the way to transform your nafs into An-Nafsu ‘l-Lawwamah (Self-reproaching nafs). In order to succeed it is very important that you eat halal homemade food prepared by a person with wudu’ (ritual purity). Be constant and determined in your intention to eat less and after awhile it is going to be your habit. Keep remembering also that Allah (swt) said that He does not love those who eat excessively.

Imam Senad Agic
Head Imam (IABNA)
The Islamic Association of Bosniaks in North America
American Islamic Center – Chicago

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