Asalaam alaikum wr wb dear eshaykh
This is about my brother who is entering high school. He was a good student but for the past few years his grades have gone very low and sleeps a lot,too.
I dreamt I’m at my friend’s place which is somewhere is London or Singapore (she lives in pak). She tells me he is cursed and I question her she says, I mean someone has evil eye on him and I reply, oh yea, we know whose done it ( I see my aunt). I ask her for remedy and she says, take the bedbugs and burn them ( I imagine taking them in a container and putting it near the light on the ceiling) then she says, oh, but there are no bedbugs in England. I look at her questioningly and the dream end.
Thank you so much for your help and guidance
This dream can mean that bedbugs are girls that sleeps around, and your brother may be in the age of wanting to sleep with them. You need to inspire him to know that girls like to see a successful man before they marry and that doing good in school can get him a degree or a trade that can attract to him the bride he wish to have.
And Allah knows best.
Yassir Chadly