Dream: Seeing Rasulullah on a TV screen


I was reciting salawat as me and a brother (who posts on polygamy online) waited for the Prophet. A TV came on and we saw a man holding a camera inside. The Prophet approached with his face covered and grabbed a video cassette that belonged to the cameraman. He put it in a printer and money came out from that printer. Then he sat and faced us, I gave salams and he replied with wa alaykumsalam which roared like thunder and penetrated my heart like electric shock causing me to shake…. just before he could say warahmatulah... my wife came in and the Prophet tried to close the door using his “electric” salams but she got in. The TV went black and we no longer saw the Prophet. My wife started to dance and behave strange asI tried to tell her that the Prophet (saw) is behind the TV screen..


This dream can mean that you are having a conflict with your wife, and you are seeking to find a way to make her accept the deal by using the sunnah of the Prophet (a).The dream shows that you need a lot of money for the deal to work, represented by the printer making money from the video. Maybe your wife does want you to marry a second wife…

And Allah (swt) knows best.

Yassir Chadly

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