Strange Experience In Sleep


Assalamu’alaikum Ya Shaikh
I had a strange experience one Friday morning after Jumaat. I was sleeping and in my sleep I felt my hip got lifted up from the mattress and then my body. All of a sudden my body started to twirl like helicopter propeller around the room so fast. And from my left chest, I can hear ‘ALLAH’ ‘ALLAH’ being recited. As I was twirling, I look at my chest to really hear the recitations of ‘ALLAH,’ but it is not from my voice and I am still in my sleep.

Can you help to explain what was that?

Jazakallah. May Allah Bless You and Everyone at eShaykh.


Alaykum Salam,
Fajr jamaat on the day of Jumua is the best of all prayers, so your soul was happy. And Allah knows best.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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