Dream: Lion


I was under tree talking to a guy. I saw strong healthy lion walking to us. I pleased guy to hide in house I saw not far. He said no worry lion seems kind. I left but wanted to see what’ll happen. The guy played with lion for a while suddenly lion killed the guy and kindly walked to me. I opened the door, run hall, found two glass doors: 1 room & 1 small storage room. I entered room. Lion came and sat. I was frightened he brakes the glass. Another guy came from behind me, told me he’ll put lion in storage, I pleased to let door closed, he said not to worry, opened doors, lion entered storage and sat. Same time I felt I was that guy because when lion crossed door I felt his fur touching my body before I woke up.


a`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem:

This dream can mean that a sickness, represented by the lion, wanted to get to you but Allah (swt) saved you. It was a very close brush- it’s fur on your body.

And Allah knows best.

Yassir Chadly

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