Prayer Request:
As Salaamu Alaykum.
I am newly married and living in house with my wife. When my wife is alone at home during the day, she feels like something is watching her, and she hears strange, loud sounds in the house. She even gets a bad smell in our bedroom. She feels that there may be a Jinn in the house. I dont know about these things. It does not happen when I am home (so far, anyway). She is very scared and does not want to be home alone.
I am asking advice, how can I know what’s happening, how can I make her feel safe, and if there is a Jinn in our home, what do I do? We perform our Salaah, I regularly perform my daily zikr every morning. We are both Naqshbandi-Haqqani Mureeds
Shukran, Ma as salaam
Alaykum Salam,
Recite Surat Ya Seen every morning. If your wife has never lived alone in her life, she may also feel very lonely in your absence.
Hajj Gibril Haddad