Dream: Sitting in front of me



I am in love with a white girl and she loves me more than i love her.I never have spoken to her we just stare to each other.She is trying to come more closer to me.Two days ago she came in my dreams: I was sitting on a chair and she came and sits in front of me, between us it was a gray table after some seconds later i stood up and left her, alone.
I dont want nothing with this girl but the destiny had sent me with her again.I had tried everything to avoid/left her. I know how is the society here in the west and I dont want that my daughter wear western clothes.

Could u tell me what is the meaning of this dream
Jazakumullah khair


`Alaykum Salam,

Dream reflects your stated feelings in reality. If circumstances bring you back together and you converse, just tell her about the importance of modesty in a Muslim’s life and ask her to take shahada. You will know from her response if Allah Most High has destined her as a possible spouse for you; if not, just move on.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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