Dream: Pearl and Gold


Assalaamu alaykum! May Allah grant Grand Shaykh Nazim adil Al-Haqqani, his Deputy Shaykh Hisham Al-Kabbani his brother Shaykh Adnan Al-Kabbani long life. Please forgive me for my lack of adab.

I went to the water with a new friend. The water was dirty and thick and green color. My friend showed me that it has a pearl in it. It was like that the pearl was telling me “get hold of me” but because I was scared that I might get bitten in the hand instead I used my feet to move the pearl out of its shell. But I wasn’t able to get it. I got the red colored shell then but whats inside was gold. I feel like this dream has something to tell me, and I wonder what is it’s message



`Alaykum Salam,
Water description refers to life and mercy wrapped within unpleasant, poisonous tests. Pearl and red gold represent jewels of haqiqa while foot instead of hand shows you are not yet rolling up your sleeves but nevertheless are on the way. A good friend!

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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