After dhikr, between 1400/1500 daytime and did a power nap.
I was in darga in Lefke, we’re at the table. Br.Bahaudeen sat at the end of a table. I sat at the table next to him in a different row of tables, nearby. I got bread before Bahaudeen got his, but he got the last piece of the bread. Bahaudeen asked the mureed who gave it to him: “Is this the last piece from this kind of bread?”, the mureed answered “yes”.
He put jam on it and gave it to a child (probably my third child). when I saw this I took the bread, took the centre-part of the bread out and gave it to Bahaudeen. He refused and gave it back to me.
Audhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajim
Bismi-llāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm:
Mawlana shaykh used that dream to remind you and all of us one the main principle of this tariqa which is service to people.
In this regard, Shah Naqshband (q) used to say, “We love to serve, not to be served. When we serve, Allah is happy with us, and this brings more attraction to the Divine Presence and Allah opens that state more for us. However, to be served, brings pride and weakness to the heart and causes us to recede from the Divine Presence.”
You may read this link about the superiority of service
And Allah knows best.