Panic Attack Problem


Salaamu Alaykum – several years ago I was married to a sister who had many problems. She would constantly fight, yell, run into street, scream on plane, threaten herself with suicide, put us in dangerous situations, sleep deprive me, etc for no reason. It was a tough to deal with and many times I would be put into situations where I had to react very quickly, and be stressed out all the time to save our lives or not be arrested for causing disturbance. I am no longer married to her, but I think I am suffering from Panic Attacks b/c of what I went through. Especially when I lead salah, on a plane, in car. My heart palpates, throat becomes dry, and my body shakes for NO reason. Especially in salah I can’t even finish one Surah sometimes and everyone behind me knows something is wrong. Is there Wazifah?


`Alaykum Salam,
Make bayaa with Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (Allah bless his secret) if not done already. In your heart give up on this world. Before or after salat picture yourself dead and being washed and shrouded by him in preparation for meeting the Holy Prophet (upon him blessings and peace). Recite or sing “Hasbi Rabbi JallAllah, Ma Fi Qalbi Ghayrullah, Nur Muhammad Sallalah, La Ilaha Ilallah.” Do this often and every day, you will get better in sha Allah.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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