Dream: Sister Smashing Cups


May Allah Bless You. Some time ago I dreamt my older sister was in my home, washing dishes. She began to smash glasses and other table ware. I asked her why she was smashing them, she did not reply. She looked at me and smiled. Her expression was not kind. My cupboards were empty due to her smashing everything.

Since this dream my family has fallen apart. Brother and sisters have fallen out, and there is a lot of friction. My sister’s husband (the one in the dream) professes to be able to control Jinn. I have often dreamt of him wearing a hat with horns. Please help us to become close again.


`Alaykum Salam,
Dream and sequence of events points to envy (hasad) in midst of relatives. Feed people, give salams and gifts to increase love and peace. Read Fatiha and last three Suras first thing morning and last thing at night.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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