I dreamt after Fajr, where I slept again for half an hour before off for work. I was in a room with my long lost girl friend. The room has a balcony. I went out to the balcony and saw Kaaba in front of me. Beautiful view of the Kaaba is from the top. I can see clearly. Then I enter and make solat sunat 2 rakaat, but my girlfriend insist to talk with me. I ignore her and she follow by my side to pray.
Later I go down to take picture of the Kaabah and it’s raining heavily. I saw a women with 3 kids walking near Kaaba but she did not wearing proper dress, can see her aurah. While raining people stop tawaf. Workers clean the Kaaba. I ask my friend if this all true not a dream. She said yes unfortunately it is a dream. Smile. Jazakallah.
Audhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajim
Bismi-llāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm:
Walaikum Assalam,
InchaAllah all of us are sinners and the best sinners are those who repent. Seeing Kaaba in dream is generally good, but seeing it and seeing an uncovered lady’s body means there is deficiency in your faith and you need to repent inchaAllah.
Allah knows best,
Ali Elsayed