Dream: Rescued by Abdul Qadir Jilani (ra)


Early that evening I had written a poem ending with the words…”in the middle of the night the seeker shall meet it’s guide”.

Later that night I had dreamed my husband and myself being taken to a house by a woman and a man who where trying to harm us, I became very scared screaming on top of my voice Allah X2 and Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani ra 3x I became very light and floated upwards and Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani ra came down. I saw myself again at at college or university and Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani was waiting for me at the stairs upon seeing him I became so happy and said thank you grand father I wanted to give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek but he nodded a little no to the kiss and the hug and I kissed the air instead.


Dream shows tests are stairwell to success and protection is real for followers of Awliya, also adab is higher and more preferable than blood ties.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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