I was married for less than one year but my father & mother in law made allegations that I had affair with someone. They separated us we have not talked or met for more than a year. I called him several time but each time my husband fight with me. Can you please make dua that my husband come back to me? I have prayed a lot but I think I am not a good person that’s why Allah is not answering my prayers. Please pray for me because I really love my husband and cannot think about anyone else. I have no relation with anyone but my father in law promised me to spoil my life and my husband doesn’t listen to me. They are also using taweez to separate us. Please save my marriage.
Mawlana Shaykh Hisham is praying for you. Prophets suffer the greatest injustices then Awliya and then their followers. Continue making dua, Allah answers. Recite “Ya Jabbar, Ya Wadud” x100 daily. Read Surat al-Nur closely and don’t worry, in sha Allah it will turn around.
Hajj Gibril Haddad