I saw a camel/cow/goat in my dream and I milked it and drank the milk, it was nice. The animal was nice and clean. I am not sure what animal it was. I thought it’s a cow and my mother indicated that it’s a sheep and then after thinking about it looked like a camel but a bit different. The second part of the dream is a blurry. I was with this cow/goat/camel and a cheetah tried attacking it but i tried protecting it and think I managed to fight it off. There were other animals as well. Then in another scene there was a lion and a lot of other animals including the cow/goat/camel and i think the lion was eating and attacking everything and i think including me, this part is the most blurriest. I’m not sure if I managed to fight it off or not but I was scared.
Dream signifies fitrah or primordial disposition of Islam symbolized by milk, and destructive sins brought about by nafs or ego as symbolized by the lion, and Allah knows best.
Hajj Gibril Haddad