Metaphysical body & energy


slm dear shaykh,

I would like to know how I can protect my metaphysical body particularly my stomach. Strange things are happening and I think someone else is controlling my thoughts, and my stomach is so tight and in pain constantly. Acid is constantly moving through up to my head, I need to now how I can close my self up and protect myself also I tend to pick up others feelings and emotions just by sitting with them this is wrecking havoc on my mind am very worn out with this please help and explain to me how can someone else access your mind and soul etc. How can you protect yourself I read all the prescribed surahs such as Quls, dua Ayatul Kursi, Surah Mulk, Fatiha! I think I need to learn more about energy and how it works where could I get more information and support.


Consult with physician. No one can access, however when the ego is weakened the spirit strengthens. So get strength through dhilkr especially group, and keep company with the righteous and awliya in sha Allah you will improve.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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