Auzoobillahi Himminash Shaitan Nir Rajeem
Salaams, I dreamt it was around Zuhr time – (sunny clear day) and I was performing Zuhr Salaah. The thing is this I was sitting facing East but on the edge of the doorway of the business where people are walking on the sidewalk in front of me. Two brothers sat in front of me at some point on the side walk and someone later had their knees on my shoulders putting strain on my head making my salaah difficult at different postures and with difficulty to makes salaam to end 4 rakaahs salaah. However, after salaah, I managed to overturn him from my shoulders unto the floor. The floor was not dirty.
Audhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajim
Bismi-llāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm:
Walaikum Assalam,
Allah showed you the shaytan which tries to spoil your prayer every time you pray. May Allah save us from him.
Allah knows best.
Ali Elsayed