Dream: Counting Money


Assalamu Alaikum,

I just had a dream where a rather large beggar came to one of the windows expectantly at the side of our house. Upon seeing him, I went to a cupboard and pulled out a large wad of notes. Counting through them, I pulled out a $450 American note intending to give to him. I however go looking for a $20 Australian note instead. While going to look for it elsewhere, I wake up thinking the man was unusually big, for some reason the man looked like the host of an Islamic TV program.

The night previous I had wrongly read Ya Musabal Asbab, instead of Musabibal Asbab as indicated on wazifas.com (as well as others on the website). I don’t know if theres a correlation, please advise, Jazak Allah khairan.


Alaykum Salam,

The Prophet (upon him blessings and peace) advised against counting money as it stands for distrust in the bounty of Allah. This particular dream also points to a big need for more generosity toward the poor through zakat and sadaqa.

Hajj Gibril Haddd

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