As Salaam,
I had a dream that I was walking out of a house with my family, My late grandfather who past away a few weeks ago was infront of me. As we walk out we saw 2 clouds. 1 with a lightning bolt shooting down and the other with a tornado. My grandfather then immediately started reciting Allah hu akbar and we all started after that because we knew it was the end of the world. When we looked to the sky we saw even more of the same clouds paired together and then 2 huge 1’s forming and we kept reciting Allah hu akbar.
Alaykum Salam,
A good dream illustrating Surat al-Takwir, Infitar and similar Qur’anic descriptions of what you said. Seeing your grandfather signifies you will follow in his pious footsteps in sha Allah.
Hajj Gibril Haddad