I’m hoping to start a new business. It’s with a company called Usana. Now what has been happening is that I am slightly confused as to the fact that the job seems good but I want to make sure it is halal. At this point in life its not a necessity, but I do believe in working hard and if Allah Taala wills, I can succeed in doing many things in life. The job entails me to sell health products which are both halal and some haram containing gelatine and alcohol. I’m supposed to recruit people as associates and build a team in a business of marketing. My associates just like me will be looking for other people and selling the health products which are supplements. I hope for an answer which leads to the pleasure of my Rabb. Assalam.
Wa alaikum assalam,
To be on the safe side leave off this business and start a halal one.
Imam Senad Agic
American Islamic Center – Chicago
Majlis #1 Head Imam (IABNA)