My almarhum mother



Can you check what is the level or maqam of my mother. I see Prophet (saw) kiss her forehead and always see her grave full of nour. And when I dreamt her, she is always with maidens. My grandmother said that we have Prophet Muhammad (saw) blood line but we dont used the syed name whatever. Can you check for me whether it is true or not? I want to send the picture but can not paste it. Her name is [private]. I now that she is alive even though she is already dead.


Alaykum Salam,

Everything you saw and heard is true, and it is as you said. Awliya are alive with Allah and the Prophet, upon him and them blessings and peace, most especially his household, and to be hidden is superior. You are fortunate so give thanks with every state of yours and pray for us.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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