Assalamaolikum warahmatullah he wabarakatuhu!
Dear Sir,
My name is [private] and I am [private] year old.
I had read Doorud about 200,000 but nothing is happen. I want to see Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) PLEASE PRAY FOR ME. Please pray for my job and marriage
Walaikumas salam wa Rahmatullahe Wa Barakatuhu
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
Masha Allah, You should be thankful to Allah that He (subhanahu ta’la) allowed you to recite blessings on His beloved so many times. That itself is a big honor. And for sure the rewards Allah promised are there for you and your family. When the appointed time comes you will inshaAllah see the Holy Messenger (sallallahu alaihis salam), not a moment earlier or later. Have patience without restlessness. Do not stop your recitation rather continue with more force. Go to sleep at night with wudu. The longer the wait before you see the Holy face, the sweeter it is.
Insha Allah Mawlan is praying for your job and marriage.
Syed Shahzaman