Dream: MSN, a nail & plank


Aslm respected Sheikh.
I have been fighting a spiritual illness battle for years. Been to many healers and no one able to assist. I was told malaika does not want to assist me. I dont understand. I do my prayers, fast , give charity , do my daily awrad, thikr , read Quran and I don’t do any bad. I always thought I’m a good person and good Muslim. What am I doing wrong? Just before I took bayat few years ago I dreamt sheikh Nazim took me by the arm and told me to walk with him. He placed me in a confined room with a stone to rest my head and knocked with a nail & a wooden plank by the entrance, he smiled then walked away. What does this all mean?



Allah, His Prophets, His angels and His believers will assist you even if you help one ant in creation for the sake of Allah so continue and do not lose courage. Your reward is with Him.
Meditate on this suhba of Shaykh Hisham.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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