Dream: Dead Uncle



I saw my paternal uncle who was a psychiatric patient and died of suicide. We were in a kitchen with food around, I tell him kindly not to break too many dishes and he agrees then I take out some cake from a good bakery for myself and he suggests me to take from the one from a bad bakery but I keep the good one to eat as it will not give me a stomach upset either. Then my uncle points at my shirt and tells me everything is perfect here but then he points at my bare feet and tells me that I should work on that. I agree to him and move on with making myself tea.


wa `alaykum salam,

Dream indicates your uncle, despite committing suicide, was not  responsible at the time, perhaps due to mental illness, and so is not punished. Rather his soul met with you in the dream and gave you advice, indicating he still bears the effect of mental illness. However he is pure, and is telling you that your heart is good, but you are toiling too hard for dunya, and need to give that a rest. And Allah knows best.

Taher Siddiqui

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