Assalaamu alaikum,
In my dream I saw I had twin baby boys beautiful, mashallah. First baby was healthy the second was an ill baby. I felt his spine looked like beast like creature. I felt unhappy sad that my son is going through this. The pain he must be feeling. I was in shock his intestine fell out, inside organs, my baby died. I couldn’t stop crying because of his pain and of losing him the way I did. As I woke I felt horrible of the loss of the baby. It felt real and I didn’t want to wake up. Felt sick. Until I realised what reality is I am single divorced with no kids. Every morning as I awake first thing my heart clicks on is thinking of my ex I still love him dearly although we are apart. Please help me find my answer until then my heart won’t rest.
A`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem
Wa alaikum salam,
This dream can mean that you
chose to look at the bad side of life
(represented by the sick baby) .
Dikr is the cure for the heart.
to change the negative position,
try doing every night before bed:
1) “Wa ofawidu amree ila lah ,
in na laha bassirun bil ibaad”
2) “La ilaaha il laa anta Subhanaka
in nee kuntu mina zalimeen”
These two Dikrs if you can do 150 times
each one of them, things will change
to the best.
And Allah (swt) knows best.
Yassir Chadly