Dream: Grave of Imam Musa al Kazim(A.S.)


Assalamu Alaykum Ya Sayyidi
Shaykh Hisham(Q.S.), Shaykh Gibril and staff of this generous site.May Allah(S.W.T.) shower HIS Blessings on you here and hereafter. Aameen.

My wife and her mother are walking along a beach. They see a very small thatched hut and a man is hunched over it. My mother-in-law asks and is told that it is the grave of Musa and he is the caretaker. My wife tells her mother it is Imam Musa Al Kazim(A.S.). They enter the hut and on the inside it expands into a large hall with windows but they don’t see the grave. The Man and a small boy tell them they can ask any dua’ they wish and it will be answered.

My wife listens to the lives of Ahl-ul Bayt by the Sayyid Shaykh Muhammad Al Yaqoubi al Hasany, but she does not know much about Imam Musa.


`Alaykum as-Salam,

May Allah Most High bless you and yours here and hereafter. This is an excellent dream, the sea represents the overwhelming Divine Attributes of Power, Majesty, Beauty and creation while Sayyidina Musa al-Kadhim represents the Holy Prophet and his Family (upon him and them blessings and peace). So the dream is the beautiful representation of your Shahada. Furthermore, the grave of Sayyidna Musa al-Kadhim was famous among the early Muslims as a site of answered prayers and a “proven panacea” (tiryaq mujarrab) which means your duas are answered and you have strong spiritual support in sha Allah. Be happy and stay firm on
your devotions.

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