Dream: Istikhara dreams, unsure of meaning


Dream results in the last 2 months:

1st dream:
Sitting on the floor in a sunny room with my Shaykh who is smiling at me gripping rubbing the back of my neck, shoulders, all the while I’m bouncing a baby girl on my lap she is laughing and smiling her name was Ruqiyah. I was not in hijab.

2nd dream:
I’m holding a newborn baby girl on my chest.

3rd dream:
I was sleeping deeply in a forest, and my daughter who is 5 covered my face in glue and paper, when I awoke I had a white mask to remove, lost teeth and had large holes in my gums. My daughter also.


Without knowing what the istikhara was, nevertheless, the dreams by themselves have meaning:

1) Your shaykh is conveying to you baraka that is your amana because you are Ahl al-Bayt, as indicated by the baby’s name.

2) In-sha-Allah a new beginning, project or direction in the way of Allah for you;

3) Your soul is waking up and in the process you spend your money (lost teeth) to acquire spiritual knowledge, to upgrade the “Knowledge of Papers” (`ilm al-awraq) that you have already acquired, then in-sha-Allah recuperating your investment through a new and a blessed business.

and Allah knows best,

Taher Siddiqui

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