Dream: visiting Lefke


Since 3 weeks I’m addicted Shaykh Nazim K?brisi’s great videos and your websites,last time was checking other websites then I found brothers and sisters looking for some advices for their issues,I m from ?stanbul but I living in Transilvania,studying medicine here…some of your Murid‘s they adviced me to check this website,actually I have seen them in my dream, was about 2 brothers,they are from Manchester-Uk,they were travellers for to see Shayk Naz?m K?brisi,they were on a thin pathway with their baggages ,that thin pathway was coming front of my home I was inviting to drink some tea,they ignored me, they didnt want to come in,they told me:: I had a big mistake that its unforgivable,then they left for to going Cyprus was crying behind them……?f you dont mind,I would like to visit Shayk Naz?m K?brisi as soon as possible inshaAllah,….

from ?stanbul,


salam `alaykum,

No problem, go, and send my salam to him.

Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani

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