Dream: Dead peacocks, cockroaches, moon, sweets, beautiful baby girl….


Asalam -0-alikum,

I am doing a wazifa for marriage. Included are the dreams I have had:

1st – I was holding a moon.
2nd – I was eating sweets.
3rd – I was reading “subhan al lazi sakhar lana haza wama kunna lahu muqrineen”
4th – I saw a very beautiful and well furnished house where I was alone and suddenly I started reading Ayat-al-Kursi
5th – I saw a mud house which had no roof and I was cleaning the dirt, but outside each door were dead peacocks.
6th – Yesterday I had a dream that cockroaches were crawling on my back and later I saw a beautiful baby girl and I was breastfeeding and I was producing lot of milk and I felt like vomiting in my dream as I was feeding.

There is a proposal waiting and I am also doing a wazifa which is for 51 days and today is 39th day and in this period. I’ve had many dreams.


Alaykum Salam,

Holding a moon is a very good sign and that is enough.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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