Dream: Sheikh Mehmet


Audoobillahi minash shatanir rajeem, Bismilah irrahmanerrahim

Asalamuaykum Sheik,

I dreamt of Sheik Nazim”s son Sheik Mehmet. We were a few people in a classroom and Sheik Mehmet was our teacher. I cannot remember very clearly what he said but he mentioned something about inside our mouth. I was shy to ask Sheik Mehmet a question, so I asked somebody else in the class. This person is telling me to feel inside my mouth. What does this dream mean?



Wa alaikum salam,

This dream can mean that Shaykh Mehmet is teaching silent zikr. Keep your tongue behind the top teeth curved upwards, then do your zikr of “La ilaaha il lal llah ”

And Allah knows best.

Yassir Chadly

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