salamalaykum mowlana,
Its [private] hope you are in good health. May allah swt grant our master Mowlana sheik Nazim a long life, ameen.
I was out this morning at the cemetery, after going in I happen to look up in the sky and noticed white things like a light moving around and I saw the sky full of gold light-like dots floating around and seemed like it was moving towards me. The feeling was amazing. It was like some things being showered on me. I move my hand up to feel it but my hand kept going through it. It just looked like it was falling from the sky. What was this i saw? I have seen many things but this is the first time I’ve seen gold floating in the air. The sky was absolutely full. Thank you dearest Mowlana.
wa `alaykum salam,
It’s Mawlana showing some heavenly realities.
Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani