Assalmu Alikum,
I have been doing lots of research on Kefir, which is a mixture of lacto bacteria as well as yeasts in a polysaccharide base. It is full of beneficial micro-flora and has been used for hundreds of years – anecdotally it seems to have started with the Muslim in the Caucasus region.
My question is may we use this lacto-fermented food as with the Lactobacillus is also created a minute portion of alcohol. This seems to be much less than 1% and some accounts say as low as 0.02% to 0.08%. May we use this product as some reports say just that the alcohol is significantly less than 1% and I am so keen to use it but worried about this aspect?
Many thanks and salams to you all and Sheikh Effendi and his family.
A`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem
When the alcohol is mixed with other substance so it is irrelevant (up to 0.5%) then it has become substance under the rules of either istihlak or istihala (transformation).
Imam Senad Agic
American Islamic Center – Chicago
Majlis #1 Head Imam (IABNA)