Dream: Killer whale and seals


I was driving a car and the vehicle came close to ocean and eventually I was in middle of a ocean of water. I got out of the vehicle and try to save myself. I decided to make dhikr and say my shahadah. Each La illaha illah I said my body flung out of the ocean and I was for an instant flying over the ocean of water but I eventually came back down to the ocean. Then I saw seals do the same as I but this time when I looked down I saw an ocean filled with killer whales eating the seal. I knew for sure I was next so I had a stick with me to fight off the killer whale if they attacked me. As soon as I was ready to fight one whale under me with a stick that is when I woke up.


That’s an ocean of knowledge protected by great saints (killer whales). To receive that knowledge you must strengthen your constancy of dhikrullah, especially tahlil (la ilaha ill ‘Llah), build your spiritual innocence (represented by seals) by avoiding harm to others, backbiting, lying and deceit, and establish yourself in the Sunnah of the Prophet (s),  represented by the stick. Then these big saints will grant you from what Allah gave them, in-sha-Allah, and Allah knows best.

Taher Siddiqui

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