i had a dream today that i entered a building (it kinda resembled my apartment complex’s leasing office) and i see Shaykh Nazim (its weird in this dream i was fully aware and in control of my actions like i was in reality) i get down on my knees out of respect and kiss his hands. then i asked him “what is the best way to see Prophet Muhammad PBUH in a dream?” He replied “istikhara”
2 i havent been looking for a way to see the Prophet pbuh in a dream (but it seemed i still wanted to know) because i asked this question to Imam Mahdi a.s. in a dream (willingly) and he a.s. answered there is no wazifa to see any infallible a.s. so through my own experiences i have realized its love and remembrance but can u tell me what he meant by saying istikhara or why he said istikhara.
Walaikum salam Wa rahmatullahi
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
Istikhara means to ask Allah to guide one to the right action concerning any affair in one’s life that one is not sure which way to go.
On one hand it may mean that you need to do Istikhara to find out what is the way for you to see The Holy Messenger (sallal lahu alaihis salam). On the other hand it may simply mean to recite Salawat on Nabi Muhammad (sallal lahu alaihis salam) in abundance until you see him. The reason is among the several method of performing Istikhara one of the method includes reciting Salawat Shareef in addition to two rakat of sunnah prayer and the specific dua of the Istikhara. So in my humble opinion what else is there better than Salawat Shareef to bring us closer to the Holy Messenger (sallal lahu alaihis salam).
Syed Shahzaman