Dream: Hiding in a desert


Me and someone were in a desert, we were hiding and looking for someone, then heard someone coming after a little while and I said, ‘someone is coming, look’ so I looked up and saw a big, broad person sitting on a beautiful white horse riding towards us whilst we were crouching behind a rock. The person was wearing white clothes and a gray armoured chestplate with an imamah. He was looking straight ahead over my head with a strong look and I was still crouching. I was looking up at the person crying and felt the person had such immense iman which was unimaginable, that’s how it felt. I then woke up thinking who the person was. Afterwards, it felt like my heart spoke to me saying it was Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique radiAllahanh. Finally, after a while it felt like I was wearing their same gray armoured chestplate.


In sha Allah you will marry soon.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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