Prayer Request: help for my sister and family Urgently Please


salam, my sister [private] and her husband [private] have been having problems, since her husband has come from Pakistan my whole family have been having problems. he took my sister for 6 days and they would not tell us where they went. then he wouldn’t bring her home instead he dropped her at the mental hospital and after a few days he has ran to Pakistan? I don’t know if he has been blackmailing my sister or he wants to dishonour my family? I don’t know, why did he do this? he has turned my own sister against all the family, we are a close family but my sister [private] is not the same. can you advise (please keep names private)


Walaikumas salam Wa Rahmatullah

Auzubillahi minash shaitanir Rajeem
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Please recite Suratul Baqara in your house, your sister’s house and all other families who has this sort of problem. If you cannot recite then buy a CD of Surat Baqara or download from some Islamic Internet website and play it inside your house every day. Advise your sister and other family members to do so. Insha Allah by the power of Allah’s words problems will go away.

You must keep your five prayers and ask Allah’s help in Tahajjud time for your sister.

Syed Shahzaman

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