Salaam! I prayed 2 rakaat and made istikhara regarding a man I really like. I dreamt that I had Romany neighbors who always messed up and stole my things, so I threatened to call the cops on them. The men got REALLY scared and I very quickly apologized and told them I was just trying to scare them. But then the police really started taking the Roma into custody and destroying their things, and my mother and I set out to save them. I used my knowledge and skill as a real-life attorney to help get the Romany people released from custody, etc. Does this dream have any significance? I plan to keep making istikhara anyway since this seems rather … stranger.
wa `alaykum salam,
Marriage to him is not recommended based on this dream, but may work out after you go through a lot of difficulties, and Allah knows best.
Taher Siddiqui