Assallamu Alaikum,
Bismillah ar-rahman na-rahim,
I have been seeing several dream of snakes since last year, few of them are given here:
First One> I saw a very big snake around 100ft, yellow color with black stripes, it was following me I tried to run away though he was close to me so we begun to fight I was in his coiled body and trying to catch his neck than I wake-up.
Second One> while sleeping at night in my room, I found so many snakes in my blanket with me who were tempering. I came out of blanket and I was save than I wake-up.
Third One> I saw a black small snake in my room at night and I killed him through shoe.
Walaikum assalam,
A snake symbolises an arch enemy. The greater the snake the greater the enemy.
Allah knows best.
Ali Elsayed