Assalammu’alaykum wa rahmatullah,
destur madad ya Rasulallah,
destur madad ya Mawlana Syekh Nazim alHaqqani,
destur madad ya Mawlana Syekh Hisyam Kabbani,
destur madad ya Awliya Allah
On 15th of October, it’s the first time for me to visit tombs of Mawlana Malik Ibrahim, Habib Abu Bakr bin Muhammad assegaf, and Sunan Giri at Gresik, Indonesia. Then on afternoon I visit the well that used by Sunan Giri to do ablution. At this site, I met the guard of this well, his name is ‘mbah’ Syamsul Alwi and he is a descendant of Sunan Giri. mbah Syamsul gave me ijaza to recite this wirid:
“Ya Fattah, Ya ‘Alim, Ya Razaq, Ya Karim, iftah ‘alayna bi ‘ulumil mubiyn“. May I have your permission, ya Sayyidi, to recite this wirid?
Jazakallah shukran katsira for your blessed reply,
wa `alaykum salam,
There is permission to recite it for the baraka, only after completing your Naqshbandi wird.
Taher Siddiqui