Dream: Sheikh Nazim bayah



Dream is that Sheikh Nazim is entering a door with back towards me, I stop Sheikh Maulana, and ask him for the hat (topi) he has in his hand, Sheikh Maulana points to my hand and says you already have a topi (this is a topi I got from the dergah of previous Naqshbandi murshid I was following). I reply to Sheikh Maulana, and say “No, I need your blessings / as well “. Does this dream mean i have taken bayah with Sheikh Nazim, or do I still need to do Istikhara ?

JazakAllah !!


Alaykum Salam,

Go ahead and take bayaa from Mawlana Shaykh Nazim and trust in Allah.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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